Please find someone to come in daily or at the least every other day to feed your cat and give it fresh water, clean the litterbox and play with it.
that is WAY WAY WAY WAY too long for a cat to be left alone for. 48 hrs is too long. if you can't find someone to come into your home to take care of your cat you should find somewhere to board your cat, maybe the vet's office will do it or know of a good place.
A day or two is the most you should leave your cat at home alone. Three weeks is way too long. What about the cat litter!? Three weeks of uncleaned cat litter is disgusting...the poor cat would probably start peeing all over since the litter is so gross. Don't you have a friend who can watch it? If not, board the poor thing, don't leave it home alone for that long.
3 weeks is a really long time to leave your cat at home alone. once it's litter box gets full, it'll start peeing and crapping all over the house. get a friend to watch it for you or look into pet hotels.
Please, please, don't just leave your cat alone for three weeks, even if you think that you've left it with enough food for this time, it won't regulate its food to last three weeks, and what you are suggesting is in fact neglect. You must have a neighbour or friend who would be willing to pop in daily to feed it, or if not book it into your local cattery, also there are often ads in the local papers for pet sitting services.
Portion the food out equally into 21 bowls but make sure you label them "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday" etc.
You can leave a cat alone for a weekend, but leaving it alone for 3 weeks is too long as the food will go stale or bad if it's left out that long, also the water won't be nice left out for that long, and the cat tray will be too dirty for the cat to use it. The best thing is if you can get a friend or relative to go in every day and give the cat new food, water and take clumps out of the tray and clean the tray out as necessary. Also the cat will appreciate the company of seeing someone and having someone to play with it (even if the cat doesn't show this!)
This Is An Extremley Stupid Idea ... Why Dont You Ask A friend Or Family Member To Look After Her ... Or Even Your Neighbour To Go In Once A Day And Feed Her ... Or You Could Take Her To A Cattery For Three Weeks ...
no dont do that put it onto a cattery plz it will die the food wont last 3 weeks and will go off or mice or rtats will eat it and u dont want that plz mate put it in a cateery :)
Bad idea, no animal should be left to fend for itself, I always take my dog away with me even on business trips or home her with friends or family, cats are the same, please try and find someone to call in to make sure its OK, have fresh food and water.
You may find that the cat has got fed up with you and moved in with someone else by the time you return anyway.
Are you really this irresponsible? What happens if he accidentally tips over the water bowl on day 2. People are so stupid.
The obvious answer here is just don't leave the cat alone....Take it to a boarding facility...
You don't deserve a cat, give it to someone that does. How dumb can anyone be ?
3 weeks??? Dear, dear, no!! You can't do this with a cat you've had for years - let alone a cat you've only just gotten, who isn't used to his surroundings yet.
You should not leave a cat alone for longer than 2-3 nights really.
Either book him into a cattery (not my preferred option), or hire a pet sitter.
If you live in the UK, I can highly recommend Guardian Angels. They offer various services - either someone will visit your cat daily; live in your house and look after your cat; or have your cat live in their house whilst you are away.
Your cat could get into a lot of trouble in three weeks and if nobody is there to check on him, you could come home to a very poor sight.
a lot!because they eat alot.Get a petsitter!
Well, if you leave all of the food out at once, the cat will eat it all before you come home. What I suggest is that you get these types of feeders which look like they have a water tank on it, and you fill it with food, and whenever the bowl get empty it fills it back up again. You can get these for food and water, just go to a petstore, or Petstop by you.
That or put it into a phasility where they take care of your cat for you (I forget the name sorry), and they your cat will get to play with other cats, so it will be very happy
That doesn't work you will need to ask someone to check and feed your car or put it into a cattery
You just cannot leave a kitten on it's own for that length of time. It is very cruel and if you cannot look after your kitten then perhaps you should consider giving it to someone who can. Book the kitten into a cattery and educate yourself on cats. You can get books from libraries and shops. Inside them you will find information, you need to read this information. Then you will realise how dumb your question is.
3 WEEKS? That's just too long. You're right the cat WILL mismanage the intake.. and may eat extra from boredom...and will run out of food and still have a week or more to go. Or could somehow get into a crazy cat mood and run around the house, knock over all the water the first week and then die of thirst.
Plus, what about the litterbox? How many boxes were you planning to leave for 3 weeks, considering a box really should be cleaned daily? The cat will get disgusted with the condition of the litter and will be pooping and peeing around the house. And that may be a hard habit to break when you return.
So just hire a cat sitter to come in every couple days (personally that would be my choice - -the cat won't have the stress of being taken out of its own territory) or else board the cat at a cattery or vet's office for the time you are away. If you do the cat sitter, and they don't come daily, make sure you set up extra water dishes and at least one extra litter box.
Please don't leave your cat on its own for three weeks. If you look up petplan on the net you will see you can get insurance for £9 per month which will not only cover illnesses, but will pay out £250 per year towards cattery fees.
You should think twice about gettin pets, you are not a reliable pet owner. Would you leave a child to fend themself for the full 3 weeks alone? No? Well cats and any animals are the same.
Please have the cat boarded through a vet or other reliable cattery. Better yet, pay a professional pet sitter to come in at least once a day to not only feed and water kitty, but visit with them as well. The litter box also would need to be cleaned and the auto feeder mentioned earlier is not going to do that. Auto feeders are for 2 or 3 days TOPS. How would you like to poop over and over again in a yucky mess for weeks and weeks. People often make the mistake of thinking cats are so independent they don't need anyone around, but this is highly inaccurate. If you're someone who travels and/or is working long hours, please do the right thing and adopt this kitty out to someone that is around more and understands critter care better. Cats are not as solitary as people like to think. =)
WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON if your going away for that long you are going to have to put your cat into a cattery of get a neighbour or friend to go in and feed it.How would you like it if your owner left you with 21 day worth of food in a bowl and the same amount of water.INFACT IF THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO I PERSONALLY THINK THAT YOU SHOULD'NT HAVE A PET.i'm glad you don't live near me or i don't know where you live as i'd give you a piece of my mind and take the cat of you or report you to the r.s.p.c.a.
I really don't think you should leave a bunch of food out for your cat and go away for that long.
You must have a friend, or hire a pet sitter to come and check and feed your cat, at least twice a week.
Cats can go for about 3 days with a large bowl of dry, and a pet water fountain. They do NOT NEED canned food while you are away, they DO NEED their litter box scooped or changed every few days
Someone will need to come check on the food, water, and litterbox, not to mention your cat!
I wouldnt leave the cat home alone I would get like a critter nanny to come to your house every 3 days or so.
no... you should book your cat into a cattery and pay for someone to look after it. Be responsible, if you can't then at least give the cat a chance of a loving home and contact the RSPCA to rehome it.
First of all, you should really try to get someone to sit your cat for that legth of time. That is a long time to be away for an animal, even cats. How do you plan on managing it's litter? 3 weeks is too long to go without cleaning it. Cats only eat enough to fill their bellies, so if you put out enough food, he'll be ok there. But the water is a different story. I have 3 cats (and I'm a Vet Assistant) and they all manage to get stuff into their water and then won't drink it after that. So you may need to have more than one water dish too. It would be a really good idea to at least have someone come and check on ur cat once a week while ur gone. And also be prepared for ur cat to be a little vengeful in your extended absence. Good luck!
That is a stupid idea. You CANNOT leave a cat for three weeks. It will eat all the food as it doesn't know he/she will have to save it for three weeks plus you are suppose to give cats fresh water everyday. What about the cat litter when will that get changed? What will happen if the cat gets hurt while you are away? If you can't keep a cat which you obviously can't they give it to a decent home that can provide the love and comfort it needs.
that would be very irresponsible. don't you have any friends to come and look after the cat!?
~DONT leave ur cat home alone for that long its just a stupid idea, the cat food will go off and make ur pet ill!! a cat need FRESH food and WATER EVERY DAY!!!
You wanted a pet you look after it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
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