I have found the Grant's ant stakes to be effective in getting ants out of my home. There is no way a cat can get into them and be poisoned.
If you are leaving dry food out for your cat it is really not a good idea. It is much healthier for the cat to have two "meals" a day even if your return in the evening is somewhat erratic. The cat will not starve waiting for your return.
When dry food is out all the time the cat's digestive system is always in an "on" mode. This means that blood and digestive juices are constantly in the cat's stomach and the healthy fresh blood is not available for the maintenance of other important organs in the body.
This sounds to me like Ghost Ants. I had them in my kitchen in Florida. If you spray for them, they will just separate and make another nest, giving you two nests and it increases exponentially with each spraying. Go to a do-it-yourself pest control store and tell them you have Ghost Ants. There is a special mixture you can put down that the ants will take back and kill the nest. In the meantime, put your cats bowl in a shallow pan with water. Don't make it too deep are too far out from around the cat's bowl, in other words, don't make your cat have to reach too far to get it's food. Good luck, these type of ants are a real pain in the you-know-what.
The ants are probably coming from another apartment. Tell your landlord about the problem. He should get an exterminator to spay the entire building. If your landord refuses or the ants keep coming, then try putting the food up on top of something, like a sturdy box or a coffee table. Show the cat where it is at a few times and he/she will find it in the future. Don't worry, the cat will be able to get to it when you are not at home. Without the food on the floor, the ants may not be able to find it.
Ants seem to come from nowhere. try putting the food in the middle of saucer of water, ants will drown and you have them running through the food.
put your cats bowl in a plate of water. the ants can not swim.
have someone come in and spray yours house..because if ants are around your cats food...they are probably around yours!! move your cats dish somewhere else...maybe high up if your cat is a jumper
Ants like cat food, I have had this problem many times with my cats. I ended up moving the cat's food bowl up onto a part of the kitchen counter that we didn't use. This seemed to solve the problem, we had to do a bit more cleaning because of them being on the counters, but it worked, if you don't mind this situation, I say it's the best choice. Other than that, I don't know what to tell ya.
Find the soarce of where the ants ae coming from, vaqcum and mop every day, use Mr. Clean. if you find the soarce of where the ants are coming from, and it is an area where the cat cannot be poisioned, buy a couple ant traps. Remember, no cat should come in contact with that poision. Also feed your cat and then pick up the bowl. Put water on a place where it is in a different area, even the food too, like up on a coffee tabe you won't use anymore. It will work.
You do NOT want to pour motor oil around your house. You do NOT want to spray and poison around where you have the food, even if the food is not there at the time! Many poisons have a residual chemical that will stay there for weeks, and if the cat comes in contact with it, it will make it sick!
What you should do is this. Spray the OUTSIDE of your house with a residual chemical. Something like Home Defense that you get a Walmart would be fine. It isn't professional strength, but I really don't think you need that strong of a spray. When you spray the outside, you need to pay special attention to the window frames, door frames, and any water spigots. This is how most ants get into the house. The second thing you need to do, and I have seen others tell you to do this, is to put the food bowl into a pie tin or other saucer that has water in it. Ants can't swim, so they won't get to the food. Once their food source is cut off, they will no longer be a problem.
Good luck!
I usually only have an ant problem in the beginning of spring and I put the ant drops right in the corners and place something in front of the area so my cats can't get at the poisen. Even a heavy old ashtray or bowl. The ants go for the drops because it's sweet and attracts them and then they take it back to the nest and that kills them. Believe it or not I hate doing this to the ants but I don't want them in my home. I usually only have to do for for a couple of weeks and it's over, they don't come back. Since you live in an apartment could you ask your landlord for help And one other thing put the food in a different area when you do this try somewhere in the living room, put a placemat down and this should help with any mess. Good luck
If you place your cats bowl inside a larger bowl that is filled with water, then the ants will not be able to get to the food. Hope it helps.
I would pick the food up and then spray wait a couple hours, then clen it up and then repeat the process. make sure you spray the edges of the of the wall and floor and little creveces. try putting the food on carpet or a rug and see if that helps.
I think the problem is that the ants are actually in the bag of cat food. I keep the food in an air-tight container to keep the bugs out.
If that doesn't work, try feeding your cat 3-4 smaller meals a day so that no food gets left out for more than a few minutes.
u should spray any remover near the area
or you could move the kitty's bowl
This is illegal, but it does work. At night when everyone is asleep, take a couple gallons of motor oil, take the oil and pour it around the foundation of the house. This is a home remedy and it does work. Ants will not cross over oil. After you do that, get some ant traps. Ant problem will be solved.
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