My son was the same way. We got him more interested by giving him the apple flavored wagon wheels. (Available in the baby food aisle.) He loved the taste, and had to chew them.
see doctor
gesh every thing has texture i dont know of any thing other than liquids keep her on stage twos till shes ready but make a big deal about how good solids are giveher a bit of bread after you taste it and say yummy
my daughter loved steamed broccoli and carrots...try finger food...when you steam it it is soft...also gerber puffs...they are like cherrios but softer and disolve in there mouth
Give her those baby cereal puffs--they come in fruit and also vegetable flavor. also try bananas, oatmeal, mashed potato, sweet potatos, green beans, peas, carrots, and also butternut squash so she gets adequate nutrition.
very well mashed potato
Just because she doesn't LIKE different textures doesn't mean you HAVE to give into her DRAMA. Who is the parent? No I never had that issue because either my daughter ate what was offered or she didn't eat. Funny thing about kids...when they get hungry enough they will eat ANYTHING regardless of the texture.
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