I will sell through a on-line shop and retail stores with 250% markup from production to retail.
Any tips, advice, strategies or guidelines would be approxated.
Don't bother to be honest, people tend to shop loyally with certain shops and don't bother with new shops especially small ones like yours would be. Clothes shopping these days is all about brand and reputation, Topshop/river island/next/H&M etc will always rule the high street market because there well known, branded but at affordable prices to the average joe, they cater for most needs from work to play all in one shop. New shops don't last against the high street big shops. If your insistant then stick to the internet, start off by getting a good customer base on something like ebay then gradually build to your own website with better marketing. If after that your still in business making a profit then you can think about opening one or two shops, you have to start off from the bottom your trying to start from the top.
it's all about reputation.
you can't just put a ridiculous price tag on a piece of clothing you made and hope that it'll be huge.
You gotta start out small man. design and make a piece of clothing that is popular just between friends. You can start selling it online and start to get a name for yourself. Continue to design and produce and your name will get bigger. Continue to sell while slowly marking up the price of your products as your name gets bigger.
If you want to be big like versace, gucci or whateva, you gotta continue to do this, popular designs x correct pricing = success. Maybe in 30 years you'll be one of the big one's out there. But until then, keep to the drawing board.
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