My friend and I have been talking and we're interested in starting our own clothing line. We are both into style and clothes. He is very artistic and has done numerous things with his art. I am a business student at the University of Connecticut. We were thinking that with his art ability and my experience and knowledge thus far in business, that we would start small and try to start up out own clothing line. The biggest problem I am having is find a manufacturer. I live in Connecticut so finding one nearby would be helpful so I can talk to them in person. Help would be appreciated.
Look in to Usa clothing manufacturer on; Men &Women Clothing Apparel I USA;;www.ruffknits.... ;;www.usa... etc
(this list is hundred thousand or so spread over USA
Honestly, there aren't any to speak of. The textile business in the US has shut down and moved to places like Mexico, Haiti, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.
The US is a big country - try the Yellow Pages.
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