วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the most uncomfortable peice of clothing that women wear?

What, in your opinion is the most uncomfortable peice of clothing/shoes you have ever worn?

Bra in a HOT summer.

And sometimes heels.

Pads and tampons - if they are considered clothing! lol


uhm, bras can be uncomfortable, stilletto heels are deffinately uncomfortable & jeans are too sometimes. haha.

mine's g-strings!!!...

this is what i can only wear but most times i just dont bother lol

Spike heels .



Bra, ugh!!

bras! I hate them.

i second the bra comment

Bras. yep.

I especially hate them when you just got out of the shower!

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