วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the best way to display clothing at a garage sale?

We have a TON of childrens clothing. last year we folded everything and put it on tables... That turnes into such a mess. Do you have anyother suggestion? like I said we have TON of clothing.

My sister and I just had a garage sale 2 weeks ago. We have 3 children between the 2 of us so we also had TONS of clothes. Your right it does get pretty messy with the tables. I've tried that in the past. The best thing to do if you can is hang it all up. People can look through it much better. What we did was buy some rope for like an outside clothes line. We got it either from lowe's or wal-mart, both places should have it. It is also cheap. Run it through your garage, tie it onto hook screws that can screw into the wall of your garage. Make sure and put the screw into a piece of wood so It can hold the weight otherwise it will pop right out of the sheetrock. Also make sure you don't make it to long without some support in the center or it will get weighed down to much in the center and all the clothes will slide down. If that's not possible for you to do you can always hang some stuff on the bottom of your raised garage door. I hope this works for you and I hope you sell out!!!

Using a metal clothing rack is the best way, just like a clothing store. People will look through it, but you won't have to fold them all over again. I borrowed it from my aunt. It looked neat and organized, too.

Visit lots of shops and as for their old hangers. Lots of shops dump them Then using anything like a brush handle suspended on string or ?? ang clothes. Hope you make lots of lovely money.

Hanging them on rail's is the best answer.

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