Avoid stripes, balls and checks. Less accessories and make up as possible (just to clean skin, bring back eyes and lips contour) Try to look (and pose) simple, clean, elegant and relaxed.
Black and white pictures are more elegant.
But what really matters is the expression, people who see the picture must feel you look at them with tenderness, that you love them.
So, have fun and be yourselves. Good luck.
Wear RED. It Pops...
Be creative... you don't have to wear sweaters to get your pictures taken. My brothers and I had our pictures taken as a Christmas present to our mother last year, and we all wore faded jeans and Mooneyes hotrod T-shirts. It might be kind of cute if you found outfits that were sort of matching, but still had holiday colors in them, like some kind of stripes or flannel. Good luck!
It's a good idea to know what the background is going to look like, so you don't either totally clash or blend in - my son went to renew his driver's license and unknowingly wore a shirt the exact same color as the background - his picture came back with just his disembodied head and his arms, it was pretty funny!
No white!! it washes you out!!
wear clothes that will have very good contrast, first to your body and then the environment
Electric bright colors, avoid whites.
Depends on the background you desire, etc.
Kool idea though.
Depends on whether formal or casual.....I disagree with other answers.........I have seen so many photos (all ages and both sexes) look great in blue jeans and white open neck shirts. It's a look that doesn't date, and looks good in color or black and white. I'm sure the family will love whatever you do!!!
Remember that you and your daughter are the subjects. You should wear clothes that compliment you and that aren't so busy as to be distracting.
I agree with avoiding too much white. For the texture to show on white fabric the photographer has to make sure to set his exposure to allow for that otherwise it is all washed out. The real problem comes in when there are also dark colors in the picture and the photographer has to try and expose properly for both. Red is nice for a Christmas picture as long as that is a good color for you. As was mentioned reds have a certain pop to them that help the picture stand out.
if your hot nothing, just kidding around. but really neutral tones are best stay away from patterns. white is ok you'll want to know what the background is first.
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